The Ray Key Bursary Award is a new initiative in memory of Ray. The award is open to all ages and its intended purpose is to provide an extended package of training and support for turners who have been identified as budding prodigies, standing out from the crowd in some way or showing great promise. The support could take the form of training, mentoring or other support tailored to the individual. Each award is up to £750 but this could be extended if the reviewing panel decided it was justified.
The selection process is stringent (we’re not going to give away that amount of money unless we’re satisfied it’s justified!) and each application must be supported by two referees/sponsors. We will expect any successful applicant to agree to a plan to carry out the objectives of the award and to report back at agreed intervals. The money will be paid direct to the training provider / mentor as services are provided.
Our aim is to give a boost to those identified as worthy on their journey to excellence as a turner. We hope this programme will help create a few more turners who would be seen at shows, demonstrations etc.
To apply, download and complete the form and return it to the AWGB vice chairman at