The AWGB offers members the following benefits
- Membership of a National Body dedicated to the promotion of woodturning and the interests of all woodturners
- A training programme offering a range of support to assist members improve their capabilities
- Grants to cover a range of turning activities including provision of equipment, including loan lathes – see grant scheme below
- Opportunity to join over 120 active clubs throughout the UK giving fellowship support and advice
- Quarterly newsletter full of useful and interesting information
- Discounts at a wide range of suppliers
- Free listing on the website for members offering demonstrations, tuition, commissions (NB we expect anyone using this service to have the appropriate insurance cover in place)
- Opportunity to have you website linked on the AWGB website
- The help and fellowship of both amateur and professional members
- Opportunity to attend displays of members work at major exhibitions and shows
- Opportunity to attend a major international seminar every two or three years
- Opportunity to attend regional demonstrations and activities run by our clubs
- Support for members from our regional representatives
- Access to a comprehensive and cost effective insurance scheme for Public Liability and All Risks insurance cover for all clubs
Details of Grants available to Affiliated Branches, Associated Clubs, Members and those wishing to become Members.
Grant Structure
Now that we have the Roger and Nina Stewart Fund, which forms part of our Grant scheme, we have reviewed our processes and the process below will be used from 1st February 2018.
Grant Authorisation
We have established a Grant subcommittee consisting of Jeff Belcher, Paul Hannaby, Derek Puplett and Mike Mansfield. The Grant subcommittee will have varying powers as detailed below within each grant area.
When a Membership Grant is requested it will sanctioned by the Treasurer and the Membership Secretary.
Where the amount exceeds the limits below the Grant Committee will refer to the Trustees for a decision. This will streamline the award but still provide the appropriate governance over our funds.
Grant Structure
The current grant structure is explained below:
- Demonstrator Grants
- Event Grants
- Discretionary Grants
- Membership grants
- Discretionary grant up to £1000 per award
- Discretionary grant over £1000 per award
- Training grants
Demonstrator Grants
The Demonstrator Grant is currently £300 per Branch.
Furthermore, branches throughout the UK will be able to request carry over their grant allocation into a second successive year. Branches must notify the Treasurer in the first year of their intention to carry over and then apply for the double grant the following year. If such an application in year two is not made the carry over lapses. The carry over of the grant will be at the discretion of the Treasurer.
Event Grants
We will allocate £3000 per annum into the Grant Fund to pay for “events”. An Event should be run by an Affiliated Branch or an Associated Club. They can include a wide range of events but we would expect these to be related to an open day, mini Seminar day or weekends such as Turn East or Woodworks at Daventry, or something as simple as a Branch or Club attending a local show to promote their club and woodturning generally to the public.
As not all the members of an Associated Club are AWGB members there will be a two tier award.
- AWGB Affiliated Branches – maximum grant £300 per branch
- AWGB Associated Clubs – maximum £150 per club
This provides an extra benefit for Associated Clubs.
Branches/Clubs should complete an application form (see the website).
Event grants are awarded on the basis that the AWGB will underwrite any loss for the event up to the limit of the grant awarded. We expect a financial report after the event showing the profit/loss so we can establish if there is a loss we need to reimburse. The application will be reviewed and agreed/rejected by the Grant subcommittee up to a maximum of £3,000 total expenditure in any calendar year.
Discretionary Grants
There will be three levels of Discretionary Grant:
- Membership Grant
- Discretionary Grant up to and including £1000 per award
- Discretionary Grant over £1000.
The Discretionary Grant shall be funded by the Roger Stewart Fund. The Main AWGB Fund will periodically add into the Roger and Nina Stewart Fund as circumstances permit.
Membership Grants
A maximum of 10 grants p.a. agreed by the Treasurer and the Membership Secretary (both Trustees). If more expenditure in any calendar year is required on membership grants this must be referred back to all Trustees.
Application form required (see website).
Discretionary Grants up to and including £1000
For any purpose falling within our objects, supported by a suitable application and focused on those who are disadvantaged in some way, on benefit, low earnings etc.
Reviewed and agreed/rejected by the Grant subcommittee up to a maximum of £5000 total expenditure in any calendar year. Further expenditure above this annual spend to be agreed by all trustees.
Application form required (see website).
Discretionary Grants over £1000
For any purpose falling within our objects, supported by a suitable application and focused on those who are disadvantaged in some way, on benefit, low earnings etc. Reviewed and approved/rejected by all Trustees following initial review by Grant subcommittee.
Application form required (see website).
Training Grant
We rely on members letting us know what courses they would like us to run and most requests result in a training workshop. For members requests for training which fall outside the workshops we usually arrange, we may offer a grant of up to £100 towards the member booking the course themselves. Before such an award is made, the AWGB will review the suitability of the course, the trainer and whether a more cost effective alternative is available. Successful awards will be paid direct to the trainer on confirmation the course has been booked. A separate grant application is not required for a training grant, it will be considered internally and the applicant notified.
General Comments
Grants to individuals will generally be made to those who are members of the AWGB or who would like to join it, and financial help may extend to the membership subscription.
Grants to organisations will generally be made to those which are part of, or Affiliated to, or Associated to the AWGB but we may consider grants to other organisations where the grant would support our charitable objectives.
There are a range of projects for which we could make a grant. Some examples of suitable activities are:
- Basic starter turning kit – lathe, turning tools, chuck & accessories; safety kit
- Additional tools/equipment for someone wishing to expand (for example if they want a chuck but have the rest)
- Travel and reasonable expenses to/from AWGB / WCT training events
- Target deprived areas with taster sessions / introductory training with a view to setting up a longer term development programme or club/support group in the area (an idea that requires more work)
- Disadvantaged youngsters. For example working with Social Services to target young people with a poor home life, in foster or local authority care with a view to setting up a longer term development programme or club/support group in the area (again an idea that needs more work)
In the event that the grant is for equipment then the AWGB will buy the equipment and retain the title. It will be loaned for as long as required. In the event that the recipient ceases to make use of the equipment for any reason the equipment must be returned to the AWGB. We will mark equipment accordingly and maintain suitable records.
Seminar Scholarship
A number of scholarships are available to AWGB members of all ages. Priority will be given to applicants who would otherwise be unable to afford the cost of attendance. An announcement will be made when applications are being accepted in seminar years.
Forms for all the above grants are available under the “Resources” page