All clubs across the UK have been affected by the Covid restrictions on public meetings. Now the end of the restrictions is in sight, our focus needs to switch to what we need to do to restart meetings and re-establish the club network. Much of what will be needed may sound obvious but it’s probably worth ticking them off anyway.
- Contact the venue and book the meetings. Check if there are any additional measures they expect you to comply with.
- Arrange the programme of demonstrators, presentations etc.
- Contact the members and inform them of the programme.
- Advertise locally and online.
- Hold your AGM and re-elect officers if required.
- Renew your public liability insurance.
- Update PAT testing on appliances if required.
Some club members may have got out of the habit of attending club meetings or may be reluctant to re-engage due to health concerns so it may be worth considering ways to include them in meetings. Perhaps the club might be able to use their new found technical abilities to stream club meetings online so those staying at home can still participate. You may even consider this as a permanent addition to take advantage of the broader online club network that has developed since the start of Covid.
If you need help or guidance, your regional representative should be your first point of contact. They can engage others within the AWGB as required.