- It is an international non-profit making organisation dedicated to the advancement and promotion of woodturning
- It consists of individual members, corporate members, affiliated branches and associated clubs
- It exists to provide education, information and organisation to those interested in woodturning
- Members include hobbyists, professionals, gallery owners, collectors of wood and tool suppliers
- The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain was formed in August 1987. It has an elected executive consisting of both amateur and professional turners
- It is organised at national level by an elected executive and at branch level by local members
- The AWGB is currently made up of over 60 affiliated branches, associated clubs and individual members
- The current membership is in excess of 3000 individual members
- To assist and advise on the formation of new branches. For a STARTUP pack please email the AWGB secretary, secretary@awgb.co.uk
If you would like to join, membership forms can be downloaded and sent by post or you can use the online form
The Aims of the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain
- To foster a greater awareness, Nationally and Internationally, of the woodturners (turners) art and craft.
- To provide a forum to encourage communication and an exchange of views amongst woodturners of all nations.
- To make collectors, galleries, architects, suppliers and manufacturers of turnersā equipment and other interested parties aware of the turnersā work and turnersā needs.
- To encourage and participate in the development of training standards and educational facilities for turning.
- To act as the body representative for the interest of turners nationally and internationally and to liaise with The Register of Professional Turners and the Worshipful Company of Turners.
- To provide a membersā newsletter at regular intervals on relevant news.
- To arrange national and international seminars and exhibitions that encourage all to aim for, and achieve high quality turnery.
- To act as the National body to advise and communicate with publications and other parts of the media to foster a greater public awareness of the turnersā art and craft.
- To communicate with government and similar bodies relevant to the arts and crafts movements.
- To encourage the formation of local area woodturning branches by providing advice, practical assistance and financial help.
The Association is now a Company limited by Guarantee, number 8135399 and a Registered Charity number 1150255
Read the Articles of Association