AWGB Educational Videos

On The Tools

The AWGB has commissioned some videos – each one covering the use of a single tool. These are intended as a resource to help members learn how to sharpen each tool and how to use them effectively and safely. There may be more such videos in the future.

Useful Videos

We have assembled a list of links to useful resources on the web which contain videos, “how to” articles, tips, techniques etc. We have done our best to ensure any linked resources apply safe practices but we have no control over the resource linked or any updates to them so if you think there is anything unsafe, please let us know and we will review.

If you would like to suggest other links you think are suitable as a learning resource, please email

You can use the search box at the top of the table to narrow down the list if you are looking for something specific.

WebsiteTurnerSubjectSkill Level
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Make a bespoke boxJason BreechMake a Bespoke BoxIntermediate to Advanced
Turning a square oriental boxJimmy Clewesturn a square oriental boxAdvanced
Mounting wood on the latheMike PeaceMounting wood on the LatheBeginner
The Basic BoxRay KeyBox turningIntermediate
The Capsule BoxRay KeyThe Capsule BoxIntermediate
The Finial BoxRay KeyThe Finial BoxIntermediate
How to turn a simple Cherry bowlRichard RaffanHow to turn a simple cherry bowlBeginner
How to Turn a simple Cherry Bowl - Part 2Richard RaffanHow to turn a simple cherry bowl - Part 2Beginner
Earring StandSteve JonesEarring StandIntermediate
Turning a simple wandSteve JonesHow to turn a simple wandBeginner