AWGB Register of Remote Demonstrators

The register of remote demonstrators is compiled as a service to our clubs and individual members. Anyone can apply to be added to the list but the AWGB reserve the right to decline any application received or to remove any existing person registered.

If we receive complaints about demonstrators listed on the register, we will review their practices and may either suggest remedial actions or remove them from the list.

If you would like to apply, please complete the form below. We don’t maintain a list of prices, it’s up to you to inform anyone interested if you charge for your services.

We don’t charge for inclusion on our register but donations are appreciated to enable us to continue our work.

Remote Demonstrator Registration

Enter your country / region
Services offered(Required)
Data Protection
Data protection: This form has to be completed in full before your details can be published on the web site. Your details will be kept on record all the time that you remain on the register or until you tell us to change or delete them. We won't publish your email address or phone number. Those are just so we can contact you. Please tick the box below if you agree.