Travelling exhibition competition

We are running a competition to select 50 pieces for the travelling exhibition for 2022. The top 50 pieces entered will be selected and will be displayed at a future show – The plan was for the display to be at the Newark show in March 2022 but sadly that show has been cancelled.

Under the circumstances, we have extended the closing date for entries to the end of February 2022. Once the selections have been made, makers will be informed of which show the pieces will be displayed at and when/where the three winners will be chosen. Makers will need to ensure their pieces are delivered to us in advance of the show.

Three winners will be selected from the top 50 and prizes will be awarded as follows – First place £250; Second place £150, Third place £50

The competition will run until the end of February 2022 and is open to all AWGB members including junior members.

To enter, send three good quality photos (minimum resolution 1200 pixels on the shortest side) of the piece to including the following details –

  • Maker’s name and membership number
  • Types of wood used for the piece
  • Height and width in centimetres
  • Photos should include a photo of the base, side and top views

Tips: Photos should be well lit, taken against a plain background and should be sharp.

Photos of all entries will be displayed on the website after the closing date.