Author Topic: insurance query  (Read 22255 times)

Offline Dave Atkinson

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #45 on: January 07, 2015, 06:01:56 PM »
Hello Gentlemen

I have been watching this thread with interest as this insurance business has taken up a very large part of my spare time since October and given the apparent confusion I thought it prudent to set the facts down.

Last year I was contacted by Tennyson who said they may be able to offer us a better deal on the insurance, something which many of you have been asking about for some years, especially in relation to the all risks element.
I passed this to Paul Hannaby and he said in an earlier post we both met with them and they attended the first half of a club meeting at Forest Of Dean (I was demonstrating there at the time).

They went away and came back with the offer of which you are aware.  For the majority of clubs the PL is cheaper and the All Risks at £60 for £12,000 cover is first class.  Overall this saves the AWGB just over £900 a year and across all the clubs there is a massive saving of over £8000 on All Risks Premiums.  Indeed one club stands to save £540 per year.

However, during this process it was pointed out to us that under FCA guidance we should not be operating the system as we were, as this effectively made us a broker.  Therefore, we are no longer able to offer any insurance advice or broker the service as we have done in the past.  It is important to note that this would also have applied had we not changed broker.

The AWGB pays the PL premium for all Affiliated Branches whilst the Associated Clubs pay their own. I felt it was impossible for Tennyson to manage that arrangement so I arranged with them that the All Risks would be paid by the clubs and branches and I would, on behalf of the AWGB, pay the PL for all clubs and branches and reclaim the monies from the associated Clubs through a tiered subscription fee, of which all club secretaries will be aware having read my letter.

We (AWGB) prepared a letter explaining things as clearly as we could.  I posted 120 letters on 7 October.   Since then things haven't gone quite to plan.

At least 6 of the letters didn't arrive at their destination, some clubs hadn't told us about the change of officer so it went to the wrong person, some secretaries forgot to tell anyone about it, or forgot the letter altogether, some emails from Tennyson went in spam folders - you name it I've heard it!

At the 11th December there were still over 50 clubs who had failed to respond to Tennyson.  The Regional Reps were pressed into service to chase these people up.

And even as of yesterday there are still 20 clubs who haven't replied to Tennyson!

Eventually this will all get sorted and I will receive a bill which I will pay immediately and then prepare the invoices for the clubs - all 60 of them.  As I have to work out the different levels of membership, email or print and post the invoice I don't expect this to happen much before the end of the next couple of weeks.

BUT.... rest assured - if your club or branch have replied to Tennyson you are covered.  f you haven't heard from them then please get in touch, with either me (by email please!) or direct to Tennyson.  The contact at Tennyson has now changed to Craig Etherington email Craig.Etherington @ although Tom is still around. (note I have inserted a space before and after the @ to avoid spam generators)

As for some of the other comments on this thread.

The policy from Zurich s extensive and covers all aspects not just what we do.  It is as long as it is and thee is nothing we can do about that.
The Zurich policy provides the same cover as the Aviva policy - we checked!
It is the club that is covered for club activities throughout the UK.
Individuals within clubs are not covered if they are working on their own account - individuals should get their own cover.  Tennyson do not provide insurance for individuals.  I use Ian Wallace for my own personal cover but who you choose is up to you.
If the club does something outside it's normal programme of events then whatever it is, it should be noted in an appropriate manner.  This could be an email between the officers, a note in the committee meeting minutes but it should be noted.
All events, whether part of the regular programme, or not, should have a risk assessment.  Normally a single risk assessment reviewed annually for the club at its regular meeting place is adequate.  Each external or outside event should be assessed separately.  There is guidance in the handbook about risk assessments.  Basically it is common sense.
This situation is no different to the previous situation with our previous policy.  I have had many discussions with some of you when I was insurance officer on some of these topics.

And now this business of having folks round to your shed for a turning event.  It can be covered if such a meeting is scheduled by the club and is a "club event".  But... and it is a big but.  A risk assessment must be in place, it should be checked prior to each visit or updated if anything changes.   The PL cover does not extend to the individual's premises.  In exactly the same way if you trip over a flagstone at the community hall and break you hip you sue the community Hall , not the club.  The same principle applies.

Finally, I am very grateful to David Buskell for posting the reply from the broker.  However, please do not think that this can be quoted this as any evidence that it applies to your circumstances.  Each case is different so if you have any concerns about the insurance arrangements for your club you must take responsibility for getting clarification from the broker, not a public forum.  It just the same as you car insurance or house insurance.  if you have a question ask the insurance company or the broker.

If you've got this far, thanks for reading.  I'm afraid it has taken more effort that we thought to change the policy over and it isn't over for us yet.  if you have any worries about invoicing please email me

Happy New Year and Safe Turning to you all.

Cheers Dave

AWGB Treasurer

Offline Graham

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #46 on: January 07, 2015, 06:46:51 PM »
I make absolutely no comment about this particular company but it has been my experience that the only positive thing you can rely on from any big business is that their intension is that they should win. not you.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 07:03:44 PM by Graham »
I have learnt the first rule of woodturning.
The internal diameter should never exceed the external width.
Nor the internal depth, the external height.
Does that make me an expert now ?

Offline MCB

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2015, 06:59:20 PM »
I make absolutely no comment about this particular company but it has been my experience that the only positive thing you can rely on from any big business is that there intension is that they should win. not you.

Insurance companies share many characteristics with bookmakers (sometimes known as Turf Accountants!)

Has anybody ever met a destitute bookmaker?

My personal experience of a claim when the roof blew off of my shed is  that my insurers consistently niggled about every item.

THere used to be an insurance company that advertised ”we won't make a drama out of a crisis“ - but I  haven't seen those ads lately!!


Offline David Buskell

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2015, 07:45:52 PM »
Thanks to Dave A for the background to this change-over and for the extra info.

The conversation with Tom Callingham today was a) on behalf of my club re payment of premium for PL and b) as a general query on behalf of  the authors of postings in this thread (with possibly a few exceptions) as there is some confusion how we should all define "club events".

Tennysons' advice was helpful and how you deal with this is down to each club to decide as I said in my post.

We can now rest easier having been told by the broker that our insurance is in place and we await the premium invoice from the AWGB.


At The Cutting Edge


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Re: insurance query
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2015, 09:47:44 AM »
I offer my commiserations to Dave Atkinson for all the bother he's had to put up with, and it occurs to me that they should employ someone part time to deal with these time consuming duties. Could be paid for out of the pay back from the tax man.

Going back to the original post, gatherings of fellow turners 'at home'  is common practice in Germany. With their Teutonic discipline I feel sure they have relevant insurance.

As far as we are concerned I would like to stress that it is in everyones interest to avoid restricting the term Club Activities.

Offline Paul Hannaby

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #50 on: January 08, 2015, 12:57:53 PM »
In case you weren't aware, all of the people involved in running the AWGB are volunteers. None of them receive any payment for their time. This is why we are always glad to hear from others willing to volunteer some of their free time to help keep the organisation running.

If I was visiting a friend's workshop for what was effectively a gathering of fellow woodturners as a group of friends, I wouldn't expect them to have public liability insurance. I would be going on the basis that I understand and accept the risks involved and I would expect other participants to do the same. If the meeting was on a more formal basis then it would need risk assessments etc. before any insurer would cover it anyway and any club bringing such meetings under their umbrella would need to ensure best practices were followed in order to absolve their own committee of any personal liability.

Offline The Bowler Hatted Turner

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2015, 01:03:52 PM »
I am going to post a reply to this thread, it is not aimed at or intended to apply to anyone in particular but to woodturners as a whole. I know there will be certain members of the committee holding their heads in their hands in despair and wondering why I said this but as my old Mum used to say "some things just have to be said".
      If more woodturners were to get involved with their local clubs or groups by showing a willingness to serve on committees or take part in events then our committees as a whole would be stronger both locally and nationally (although I think you would be hard pressed to form a better national committee than the one we have now).There must be accountants out there who turn as a hobby and could do the club accounts in their tea break and surely they would be better treasurers than some others. Similarly there must be managers or perhaps even retired officers who could chair a club better than some, (me for example, I had never chaired a committee until I started my local club and I know there are better skilled people who could take the chair).
      All this thing with the insurance went completely over some people's heads but others grasped it immediately, they should be the ones dealing with it at club level. I think my club is the same as every other one in the country, it is always the same handful of members doing the work and always the same handful sloping off so as not to do it.We know you are doing it so stop and think of how efficient your branch could be if EVERYONE chipped in workwise. Clubs are meant to be enjoyable for all not just the lazy and if you think this tirade is not aimed at you ask yourself honestly what you have done for your club over the last 12 months and I don't mean just paying a membership fee. Ask yourself when did you last put the chairs out or away, or make the tea or even turn a piece for the competition because I would hazard a guess that all those that do put the chairs out are also the ones entering competitions or washing up or sweeping up.
       I am convinced that some of our members locally do not have lathes and do not turn, I don't have a problem with that but I do have problem with them not helping when they are probably the best people for the job .
Tirade over!
This crossed with Paul's post but I will post it anyway.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 01:05:26 PM by The Bowler Hatted Turner »

Offline David Buskell

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2015, 02:39:58 PM »
Just had a call from Craig Etherington  @ Tennysons- very useful and helpful. Have to pop out but will post details here later.

At The Cutting Edge

Offline David Buskell

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2015, 05:17:09 PM »
I was going to write notes on my conversation with Craig but when I got back I found this in my Inbox. Craig was very helpful and understood the concerns we have expressed.
It's now up to each club to do what they have to, I guess. I  did inform Craig I would be posting his email here, by the way.

Hi David,
Thank you for your email.
I have spoken with David Atkinson and I am of the opinion of what he has stated previously on the AWGB forums. All I can comment in regards to safety procedures etc. is what we have stated on our proposal forms and is defined in our policy wording,
‘ You must take reasonable precautions & ensure you follow all relevant safety procedures.’
As we are not experts in woodturning or Health & Safety we cannot advise as to what is the best procedures to undertake. The AWGB provides Safety Guidelines and we would advise that you follow the relevant protocols set out by your governing body.
In terms of what would be deemed a club activity/event, it would be something your committee/organisation has approved and is taking part in. We would expect that it is minted within your club communications.
In the circumstance that the outside demonstration takes place before the next meeting is held, then an email conversation amongst the committee would suffice providing it is retrospectively included.
I must stress and remind that the policy covers the activities of the organisation and not those of the individual members. You must act as an organisation to be covered – individuals doing woodturning on their own time are not covered under this policy.
I hope this answers your questions.
Kind Regards,
Craig Etherington | New Business Executive
T: 01243 832144 | F: 01243 210112
At The Cutting Edge


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Re: insurance query
« Reply #54 on: January 09, 2015, 11:35:20 AM »
Referring back again to the original question from Brian H, in his post above Paul has very neatly summed up the options. Regardless of anything I may have said regarding the insurance option I should make it clear that I was only expressing the view that it is a possibility. In practice it is NOT the way we operate in our club.

Offline John D Smith

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #55 on: January 09, 2015, 08:13:58 PM »

Thanks David for posting the email from Tennyson it makes some things a little more clear.

                                         Regards John
John Smith

Offline BrianH

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #56 on: January 11, 2015, 03:32:54 PM »
Wow, didn't I uncover a bag of worms?Thanks everybody for your contemplations, opinions and musings I reckon a lot of eyes beyond mine have been opened.
Anyone want to visit my workshop now???
All the best


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Re: insurance query
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2015, 10:53:25 AM »
If I were to come would it be at my own risk?

Offline Graham

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Re: insurance query
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2015, 04:33:47 PM »
Why would he have a workshop at your risk ?  Thats like saying he will meet you at your own convenience.  :) <ducking>
I have learnt the first rule of woodturning.
The internal diameter should never exceed the external width.
Nor the internal depth, the external height.
Does that make me an expert now ?


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Re: insurance query
« Reply #59 on: January 12, 2015, 05:45:56 PM »
May I suggest you carefully read Paul Hannaby's post which sets out the position.
Brian hasn't answered my question yet, but I would expect him to give a one word answer -- yes.