Even if there are no local suppliers, you are in the fortunate position of being able to order tools and equipment from any EU country without customs formalities or tarrifs. Unlike us, cut off from civilisation on a small island and paying a £20+ handling fee + VAT + customs duties if we dare order anything from Germany or France.
I had a thought and followed it up, if you have favourite manufactureres like Robert Sorby go to their UK website, find distributors, select country. In a few seconds I had found a Madrid distributor (CommercialPaxos.com) that seems to do a huge range including Axminster and lathes and some timber. It's not Malaga but they do online orders, and the state of the UK market is that many smaller businesses are closing so you end up having to trust onine suppliers anyway.
You might find a search for distributors on a few other manufacturers sites will get you something closer. Chestnut Products have distributors in Madrid, Valencia (nice city, excellent ceramic and modern art galleries) and Palma Mallorca.