If you wish to post an image in your post there are two options:
1) attach and upload an image to the AWGB server via the post
2) add a URL for a remotely hosted image
Option 1 means your image(s) will appear as thumbnails at the bottom of the post
Option 2 means you can place images within the body of the text
Option 1 -
Click NEW POST and type a title and the text of the post
Underneath the window where you type the text click where it says ADDITIONAL OPTIONS
Click the BROWSE button and navigate to the image file on your computer (repeat for multiple images - limit is 4) the iamge file shuold be less than 2000kb (2mb)
click on the POST button. Your image(s) will upload and your post will be published.
Option 2 -
Above the main text window in NEW POST click the image icon (second from left in the icon options bar)
You will see "IMG" and "/IMG" in square brackets appear in the text window. Between these bracketed tags type the URL of your exgternally hosted image. You image will appear and load from your host.
So I can do that here

and get an image
or I can use option 1 and have it as a thumbnail at the bottom. (NOTE: click the thumbnail to enlarge)