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Gallery / Valentines pendant
« Last post by willstewart on February 14, 2025, 08:49:07 AM »
Just a bit of seasonal fun!  Made from padauk from a disk held between centres which can be easily reversed to form both sides, mostly using a spindle gouge. One can tell how much is left before separation with a gauge but really fingers is as easy, and there is a characteristic change of sound as it thins, just as for separated rings.  The ring is finished just before separation, and then radially sliced on a bandsaw, with the faces being sanded after separation on a disk sander. Obviously there is a cylinder left over for other uses.

The pendant is waxed. 

I saw this done by a demonstrator (at Tudor Rose club) for little Christmas trees and adapted the idea for hearts - plenty for all paramours!
General Discussion / Re: Food safe wax and protection
« Last post by Bill21 on February 02, 2025, 08:56:24 PM »
I’ve used pure Tung Oil before and it seems very durable but also very slow drying. Several places sell the quick drying Tung Oil including Screwfix and Amazon so I’ll probably get a tin some time.
General Discussion / Re: Food safe wax and protection
« Last post by Twisted Trees on February 02, 2025, 05:26:15 PM »
I don’t make or use salad bowls but I do use chopping boards so this could be good for them. I may buy some to try.

Pretty much the exact same description given on the "Superior Danish Oil", my suspicious mind is saying this is a slower drying replacement product to meet some regulation somewhere, I was going to buy some at Yandles on Friday but they don't have it in stock yet, hopefully I will stumble across it before I run out of the Danish Oil so I can do my own comparison but I suspect other than longer drying time there will be no difference.
General Discussion / Re: Food safe wax and protection
« Last post by Bill21 on February 02, 2025, 12:45:52 AM »
I don’t make or use salad bowls but I do use chopping boards so this could be good for them. I may buy some to try.

General Discussion / Re: Food safe wax and protection
« Last post by Paul Hannaby on February 01, 2025, 01:26:07 AM »
It's the additives that make it dry faster so even faster drying = even more additives!
General Discussion / Re: Food safe wax and protection
« Last post by Twisted Trees on January 31, 2025, 11:55:41 PM »
Liberon now sell a quick drying tung oil which I've just tried out on some very dry and porous brown oak. I applied three coats and achieved a high sheen finish. First coat as soon as the batch of three was made, second coat about 4 hours later, then left overnight and third coat went on, first thing the next morning. It certainly speeds up the application and drying process.

Curiosity led me down a path.... Libron Superior Danish oil has the same list of ingredients (no proportions listed) but has VERY HIGH instead of HIGH VOC warning.
Gallery / Re: Pathways
« Last post by TonyTrigg on January 31, 2025, 09:38:40 PM »
Very nice Stewart.
General Discussion / Re: Food safe wax and protection
« Last post by Les Symonds on January 31, 2025, 06:36:13 AM »
That’s interesting Les, thanks for posting. Is this a new product?
I believe so
For Sale / Wanted / Re: Vicmarc VL300 lathe and accessories FOR SALE
« Last post by legoheadturner on January 30, 2025, 09:10:04 PM »
The stamp on the front of the lathe says 2004
For Sale / Wanted / Re: Vicmarc VL300 lathe and accessories FOR SALE
« Last post by Wood spinner on January 30, 2025, 12:42:50 PM »
Hi, Sorry to hear of his passing,
Can I ask how old the lathe is ? It should be stamped on the silver plate on the front of the lathe

I have also sent you a PM.
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