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Not original or that remarkable but a bit of fun for a club (Tudor Rose) competition for 'a piece of fruit' (it did win a prize!).

For anyone who has not seen this the process is to turn a toroid (from beech in this case) with the appropriate cross section which is then cut radially into 3, of which this is one segment.  Then use a jig to hold the piece on a chuck to turn the ends.  This gives tapered but round cross section ends (unlike an actual banana where the 4/5 sided section persists towards the ends) so some further shaping is needed - in my case using a small diameter (50mm) drum sander mounted on the lathe.  Note that the drum sander is also useful to smooth the inevitable rough inner edge on the detached toroid.

Nice job. I’ve seen a yellow wood species somewhere that would be ideal for Bananas.

Thanks!  And mulberry wood is bright yellow and I do have some from a tree cut by a family  neighbour, albeit not enough for bananas I think.  And the yellow colour darkens fairly quickly to orange on exposure (which I suppose bananas do too!).


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